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Meet our Members: Joy Tareesut

Joy Tareesut

Joy has been a C-Suite EA for over 10 years with experience in varying industry including professional services, events, environmental justice, private banking, development investment and commercial offices!

Having always been a “hybrid” EA, Office Management, Project Management and Event Management have always been a part of the job!

With a keen interest in food and growing up running Thai restaurants in London, Joy tries her best to curate a food interest IG @joyeatfood.

‘I love exploring London and what it has to offer on a regular basis and share it with the world! With the help of Miss Jones Group of course!

I have been a member of Miss Jones Group for 4 or 5 years now and they are unbeatable.

Where do you work?

Dartmouth Capital Advisors

Describe your job in 3 words:

Varied, challenging, knowledgeable

How did you first become a Personal Assistant?

I took an admin role after leaving a job in customer service management that I fell into after Uni, and the MD wanted to keep me and offered me to try being her and the Head Chefs PA

Was there one particular moment that you remember that this was the career path for you?

When I was trusted more and more and learnt so much in the first role, I enjoyed the variety and the responsibility so much – I kept going!

What’s the best part about your job?

Being trusted with the business in its entirety and being in the know at all times

And the worst?

Being a busy fool!

Describe a typical day; what work does it entail, what hours do you work, what problems do you face?

9.30 to 5.30 core – but evenings can be added to that. juggling reactive and proactive tasks with the correct priorities – a lot of problem solving and time management for myself and my CEO and anyone he is meeting or his meeting affects

If I wanted to be a PA, what experience would you suggest I get?

Work in an admin role for a business or industry you are interested in. Prove your worth. Find your niche. Exploit it and move up to the top! Be approachable at all times

What’s one of the most difficult situations you’ve faced whilst working?

Trying to be in more than one place at one time. It happens alot – any management skills picked up along the way is the key.

Without revealing too much detail, what is the wackiest request you’ve ever been asked to do?

Wacky? Hmm.. Run the Warehouse operations as the Warehouse Manager quit as “overworked”- 10 vans, 20 drivers, I was 24! We served 60k meals around London over 3 weeks! (i nearly died!)

How do you find a healthy work/life balance?

At the moment it is a struggle, in short I don’t. I make time for yoga and home gymming when I can but I also switch off from my emails by around 8pm and make sure I don’t take work home if I can help it.

If money were no object, what career would you be in and why?

Globetrotting Foodtaster! Although, event management may be it as you get to see beautiful venues, deliver lovely food and see the results of your labour on the day. tough but rewarding!

What are your go to websites/resources that help you with your day to day tasks?


What key skills/courses would you recommend for other PAs looking to progress in their careers?

It depends on your focus but short hand and minute writing is a start. I did PRINCE2 as well as so many projects in play and it was good to learn this framework of working.

Finally, any other advice?

Never lose your CEOs trust. You can be helpful to others without divulging information that you shouldn’t

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